If you have been delivering a baby sometime in the last few weeks or are expecting to give birth and are full of concerns about your ability to return to having sex, you can be relaxed.

Although your body, mind, and soul react differently, and the baby makes everything different birth,
sex can become more enjoyable.

You have to have the desire to make some changes in thinking, and this can make intimacy great.

Tips for good sex – after birth sex:

B e patient

your hormone levels drop after birth, and your body will take some time to get used to the change.
If you are breast-feeding, it takes longer for the hormones to balance to normal.
At the same time, you must be emotionally prepared to start all over again.

Birth control

There are quite a few cases of women who have become pregnant for the first time having sex after birth because they thought they were protected because of breastfeeding.
Do not take a chance and become one of these women.
If you do not want an additional baby with a difference of less than a year, use contraception.

And yes, even if it took you a few years to succeed in getting pregnant for the first pregnancy and even if you finally get absorbed in the fertilization procedure. Your uterus is very fertile after birth and if you’re not part of expanding your family, be careful.

And. Even finishing out can be taken for pregnancy.

Try reconnecting one to the other

After birth, both of you have to get used to your new life as parents.

The same is true for couples who have more than one child. So, try to find your intimate time together, such as a shared shower, going out together for a walk in the evening, taking a few hours to a pampering spa, or arranging the grandmothers for a babysitter and going out for an evening date to get closer.
Be spontaneous

Do not wait for bedtime

if you feel like having sex in the middle of the day or in the early evening especially if there are no more children at home.

Adding a bit of spice and spontaneity to your sex life can bring back the passion and fast.
You do not have to plan every time and get organized, just go for it if your baby is asleep and you’re alone at home.
Talk about it

We recommend talking in an open conversation about the intimacy between you. |
You should raise your fears if you have a cesarean section or episiotomy and stitches.
It is important that your partner knows in advance to be careful and gentle until you feel comfortable with the matter and it is important that you feel that he is sufficiently sensitive to the subject.

Wait for you to feel ready

Do not let your partner pressure you, even if two or three months have passed since birth.

Some women experience trauma at birth and find it difficult to think about having sex and your partner should be attentive to your needs.
Sometimes women fall into postpartum depression.

Although in most cases sex can actually improve the feeling, sometimes it can make you feel worse, especially if you do not really feel that you are already “there” and want it as your partner. It’s okay if you feel you want to wait a little longer.
Go together for a romantic outing

There is nothing like going out alone to a restaurant and exploring the beach for a couple of fresh parents when you leave the baby with a grandmother or a babysitter. Even at the age of two to three months. An evening that only the two of you will remind you that you love, will bring you closer and will be a great platform for a stormy sex afterwards.
If you do not breastfeed or breastfeed and combine formula, you can drink a glass of wine.

Kegel exercises

It is important to perform kegel exercises to shrink the vagina and the biceps muscles to strengthen the area and improve your ability to enjoy postnatal sex.
You do not have to have sex every day

Quality is more important than quantity in this case so you do not have to have sex on a daily basis. Even if you are tired and do not find one every two or three weeks, it’s okay too. Sometimes there are periods of gas or you are tired and exhausted from taking care of your baby. Everything is fine.
Expressed affection for each other

Try to hug, kiss, caress, and support the partner when he is tired.

Even if he is terrible and you are too tired, you can offer him to curl up and enjoy intimacy. Sometimes it is precisely from this place that the desire can appear.

If you are alone at home in the evening, after the baby has fallen asleep, try to spend time together. Even if it’s just sitting in bed and watching a movie.

In conclusion, within a few months, you will return to routine, try to do things that will keep the romance and desire. Breastfeeding does not reduce the desire, everything in the head, everything is a matter of priorities.

Consider this first period as a difficulty that will pass and the baby will grow up and then more children will come.