If you are in the last few weeks of , you pay attention to the next article that will give you some warning when you need to go to the hospital.

Water drop

Waterfalls in fluency – when the amniotic fluid flows down.

If you feel something in the vagina that usually accompanies pain without contractions or you see something hanging out, you must stand up on 6, when your pelvis is higher than your head and call an ambulance. This is a situation that can endanger the baby and is very rare at all, especially rare at first birth .

Drip water drop – This type of water drop can sometimes confuse and it seems to be urinary incontinence or sweat. How will we ?

Even after changing underwear “perspiration” continues.

Urine can be stopped by constriction and amniotic fluid does not.

There is also a difference in the smell of urine and amniotic fluid, the urine smells clear, and the amniotic fluid smells like the smell of semen.

In addition, there is a special method for identification of amniotic fluid that can be purchased at Pharmacy stores   (not everyone holds, so it is advisable to call first and find out) Important!

Sometimes the pads will indicate amniotic fluid dripping even when there is no false positive.

Note: Do not insert a tampon into the vagina when there is suspicion of water drop in order to keep the area as clean as .

WARNING: In cases where pregnancy occurred 37 weeks ago and you feel a dampness that does not stop with your urine, and you suspect that the moisture is from the amniotic fluid, go to the doctor or hospital to rule out premature water loss.

Amniotic Water Color – No matter what type of water falls you got, the water should be clear.

WARNING: In cases where the color of the water is cloudy, you should contact the nearest hospital immediately.

In any case where there is suspicion of water drop go check.

 The appearance of mucous cork

The mucous cork exit can occur between two weeks and several hours before birth.
The mucous cork does not look like bleeding but like a yellowish viscous discharge, pinkish to reddish brown, and in any case not a shade of fresh blood.

WARNING: If the blood contains fresh blood, consult your physician.

Contractions- labor pains and either Braxton Hicks or stomach cramps in pregnancy

Braxton Hicks: These contractions are sometimes known as “imaginary” axes.

Cause the uterus to harden but usually does not hurt.
The contractions go by.
Appear mainly after sex and after strenuous activity.
Are not dated, their frequency does not increase, and the intervals between them do not decrease.
Labor: Every woman feels the pains of her labor differently.

The pain of the contractions begins as menstrual pain or back pain and as the opening progresses the pain increases.
The labor pains regardless of the intensity of the pain appear in a particular cycle once every few days and as the opening progresses, the time between the axis and the axis is short.
The contractions have cyclicality at the beginning of the uterus. The uterus starts to stiffen at the peak of the axis. The uterus is very hard and at the end of the contractions the uterus is relaxed again until the next axis begins.

We measure the frequency of the contractions from the beginning of the contractions until the beginning of the next contractions .

As the contractions become denser, the intensity of pain increases.
At first birth, after being measured because the axis reaches every -5 minutes and takes 0-50 seconds for an hour we will drive to the hospital.

WARNING: If you experience contractions before the 37th week, take a test to rule out started.

diarrhea in pregnancy

Many women begin the birth process with diarrhea or even more soft contractions.

When diarrhea appears near the estimated time of birth, there is no need to treat it except for drinking fluids. If you have diarrhea before birth, you should think about whether you want an enema in the with an attention that is erased after diarrhea can irritate the digestive system and lose important energy.

WARNING: If acute diarrhea occurs not near the time of birth, and if it lasts for a long time, consult your doctor because diarrhea can cause dehydration and dehydration may prematurely.

Other signs of birth

Some women who give birth, as a result of the contraction of the diaphragm, feel and need to vomit.

Some are sensitive to odors that cause severe nausea.
Or severe headaches.
For the most part, these are not signs of concern and the mother has to rest and gather strength.

Warning: Strong headaches accompanied by abdominal pain and blurred vision accompanied by an increase in blood pressure may indicate an outbreak of preeclampsia, sometimes only some of the signs appear, so if you feel uncomfortable and appear, check these signs.

Decreased fetal movements

A significant increase or decrease in fetal movements is a sign that needs to be checked and examined by a doctor.
It is important to remember that towards the end of pregnancy when the fetus has less room to move, the nature of the movements changes.

When you suspect movement decreases in motion tracking.

Follow movements: Eat something sweet, lie on your left side, breathe calmly and relax, you can stroke your stomach, listen to soothing music, and try to the fetus to move in speech and singing.

If after all this you do not feel 3 movements for half an hour, get up and eat again, rest for a few minutes and try again for half an hour if you do not feel 3 moves and continue for five minutes.

If you do not feel the recommended number of movements, go to the test.

Pregnancy bleeding

WARNING: Fresh blood may indicate separation or bleeding from the cervix or vagina. If fresh blood appears, it is recommended to take the test.

Pain in the upper abdomen

Warning: Abdominal pain may indicate preeclampsia or renal separation.
If such pains appear it is recommended that you access the examination.


Warning: Signs of preeclampsia are: high blood pressure, protein in the urine, “high” edema, headache, blurred vision, abdominal pain, sudden increase in weight.

Not all marks must appear. If you feel one or more of the signs, you may want to take a medical examination.

Injury, fall or accident, not necessarily on the abdomen: to be checked immediately.

In the event of any fall or slight injury, the patient must be immediately screened for fear of kidney failure, and should be monitored and observed.

Even if you have been hit anywhere else in the body.