The importance of nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Mother’s diet, pregnancy, and

breastfeeding, influence the normal development of the fetus and newborn in his first years of life and beyond.

Proper nutrition not only contributes to the normal growth and development of the fetus and newborn but can contribute to the reduction of maternal and fetal morbidity during pregnancy.

In the Western world, food of all kinds is rich and available. However, the composition of the diet, the quality of the food and its components may lead to significant nutritional deficiencies, among women of childbearing age.

Poor nutrition in this group may have a negative effect on pregnancy outcomes and the development of their .

The recommended recommendations for 3 consumption during pregnancy

There are international recommendations for recommended omega-3 dietary supplements for pregnant and lactating women.

The recommendations of the American health organizations, the European Union, the World Fertigologists Association and the health organizations of Australia and New Zealand suggest that the mother should reach 200-300 mg / day of DHA throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding

Omega 3 and DHA

DHA is a fatty acid from the fatty acids called omega-3 fatty acids.

DHA has a significant structural and functional role in the brain and retina.

The fetus and neonatal depend on maternal DHA and active DHA transfer through the placenta to the fetus and through the mother’s milk to the newborn is treated favorably compared to the other fatty acids.

97% of total omega-3 in the brain is DHA.

Functionally, it participates in processes of neural transmission, memory functions, data processing, cognitive response and control

93% of total omega-3 in the retina is DHA-DHA, which is present at a high concentration in the outer part of the membrane of the retina and is essential for the development of vision and learning skills.

The main source of omega-3s is cold water fish mainly from northern ocean regions.

These sea fish contain omega-3 fatty acids derived from algae and water plants that they consume (in addition to other elements found in the sea such as mercury and metals).

Omega 3 fish oil comes to us through brokering (fish) and not in its and primary form.

Especially in pregnancy, it is to keep the source of Omega 3 consumed.

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Omega 3 FAQ

Q: My doctor did not tell me to take omega-3 dietary supplements, but I see quite a few recommendations. Why should omega-3s be taken in pregnancy and what are the benefits of Omega-3 for the fetus?

A: Omega 3, and especially fatty acid DHA is an essential component in the construction and development of nerve cells brain and eye, hence its importance mainly in the embryonic stage and lactation, then the nervous system and the eye and the fetal demand for high DHA.

The mammary embryo and newborn are completely dependent on the DHA supply from the maternal diet because they can not produce it themselves.

Therefore, the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding can be defined as a “short and transitory window of opportunity” in which the mother has a golden opportunity to enrich DHA food, thus providing the fetus and newborn with the best biochemical conditions for the development of the brain, spinal cord and eyes.

Conclusion Numerous studies have led to the following conclusions:

A. Omega-3 supplementation for women reduced the chance of premature .

B. DHA supplementation to maternal diet significantly improved neonatal vision.

third. DHA supplements for maternal diet significantly improved test results related to understanding and concentration.

D. DHA supplements for maternal diet significantly improved sleep patterns in newborns.

God. DHA supplements for maternal diet positively altered laboratory measures that reflect immune function.

and. No adverse side effects were observed.

Q: Should the mother continue to take Omega 3 after birth?

A: Breastfeeding should continue to take omega-3 fatty acids in DHA during breastfeeding to provide the developing baby with an adequate of omega-3 fatty acids, which is essential for building the nervous system (brain + spinal cord + eyes).

Q:  Is taking Omega 3 on a regular basis safe? Is it important only for pregnant or after? What is the desired dose of omega-3 during pregnancy?

A: Taking supplements rich in omega-3 and DHA are completely safe and without any complications.

Q: Omega-3 is found in fish. Is there no danger in eating fish in pregnancy?

A: Health authorities in the United States have warned against increased consumption of marine fish due to the damage caused by excess mercury and other toxic metals. Still, you should include fish in the menu, or take omega-3 supplements that are safe and mercury-free.

Q: Is it possible to achieve the desired rate of Omega 3 only through food?

A: A sufficient level of omega-3 fatty acids is achieved in the consumption of two sea fish dishes of at least 180 grams per week, a level of consumption that only a minority of women can tolerate.

Q: I am in my second month of pregnancy and I am a vegetarian. The follow-up pregnancy doctor gave me quite a few vitamin supplements to strengthen the body and for the fetus. It is important for me to know if there are solutions from plants? Should I be in Omega 3? Should not I worry about eating fish?

A: Vegetarian women and women who want to avoid fish-based products can use a product based on seaweed rather than fish, which contains DHA at excellent levels, devoid of any side-effect of fish (important in the first trimester characterized by many and sensitivity to flavors and odors) and mercury-free and other toxic metals.

Q: I am in the first trimester of pregnancy and have severe nausea and vomiting. Does not taking omega-3 dietary supplements lose its value and effectiveness?

A: It is recommended to use a flavorless food supplement and fish odor to nausea from worsening.

Dietary supplements rich in DHA based on algae and not on fish are flavorless and odorless.

Q: What stage of pregnancy should you take Omega 3 supplement?

A: All pregnancy.

Q: Can omega-3 reduce the risk of pregnancy poisoning?

A: No!

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