The first week of pregnancy – It is still difficult to say that you are expecting a baby, or pregnant and in almost all cases, you will not know about it either.
First-week pregnancy, home testing, technically, it is considered pregnancy 2 week after .

the first week of pregnancy, you will experience the joy of creating a life, an event that will change your life forever!

This week-by-week pregnancy guide will take you step by step for each week of pregnancy.

You will find informative information about the changes taking place in the body and body of your .

We will accompany you during pregnancy and help you understand what you should expect as your body changes and your baby grows from week to week.

During the first and second week for pregnancy, you will not even know for sure that you are pregnant.

What happens in your body – the first week of pregnancy

Your body produces high levels of estrogen and progesterone to prepare the body for ovulation when the ovaries release an egg.
If you are lucky, this ovum will be sewn and will travel away into the fallopian tubes and then into the uterus, where it will stay for 0 weeks.

In the first week it is still difficult to say that you are expecting a baby, or pregnant, and in almost all cases, you will not know about it (unless you are undergoing fertility treatments and then there is a strict follow-up).

All in all, it is about fertilizing an egg and a sperm, but it is difficult to say when exactly the specific moment of fertilization was.

At the same time, technically – you are considered pregnant this week.

Most doctors calculate the 40 from the first day of your last menstrual period.

According to this method, they determine the beginning of the pregnancy for about two weeks before the sperm enters the egg, the time you are about now.

If you have already identified two lines in the home kit, or even a very weak band and a strong band, it means that you are pregnant, and is already in week 4-5 if it has been over a month since your last menstruation.

Determination of your baby’s

The question that most often comes after the discovery of pregnancy is “When am I to have my baby?”

Guessing the estimated date of birth is one of the great pleasures of pregnancy couples.

The network now has a selection of pregnancy calculator that accurately calculate the baby’s expected date of birth.

However, consider that this is only an estimated date of birth since most births occur between week 36 and week 42.

You can read more here – Calculate the approximate date of birth

What happens with the fetus during 1 week pregnant

During the first two weeks of pregnancy, many changes occur in your body.

Your hormone levels change significantly to ensure the creation of a rich lining of the uterine tissue that will support the fertilized egg after conception.

During the first two weeks of pregnancy, your ovaries produce mature eggs called follicles.

During ovulation, usually around the 14th day of the menstrual cycle (but there are those where ovulation occurs later) one of the follicles will develop into the ovum.

This egg will reach the trumpets and there it will wait for the seed to come and fertilize it.
Seed takes about 10 hours on average to reach the egg.

When the sperm of your partner and egg meet, you will create a life!

When is the baby’s sex determined?

In the first two weeks, the sex of the baby was determined, male or female.

During the first two weeks, your fertilized egg, also known as a zygote, is divided into multiple cells and begins to take root in your rich uterine lining.

At this point, your precious baby becomes a ball of cells called a blastocyst.

The blastocyst consists of a multitude of internal cells that eventually become a fetus and an internal part that later becomes the amniotic sac that separates the body of the cell and then develops the placenta.

Your fetus is the first week after fertilization

Your son or daughter – yes, their sex has been set at such an early stage, are growing at an insane speed, more than any other stage of the pregnancy.

Their brain, heart, and spine begin to form, and chances are you will not feel anything that is happening in your womb.

If you are trying to get pregnant, it is recommended to start eating a dietary supplement of folic acid and magnesium.

Both are excellent minerals that improve cellular activity in the body and contribute to normal fetal development.

And since the moment of fertilization is considered pregnant, you can say that you are in your first month of pregnancy. You can read here a very important article about magnesium and pregnancy.

Pregnancy test results

Only about 10-14 days after fertilization, you can get a positive answer in a home pregnancy test and a blood test for the pregnancy hormone – HCG or beta.

So you still have to wait patiently for a few more days before you check.
Usually, you can wait a day or two after being late at the time of menstruation.

If you want to know more precisely the time of fertilization, try to remember and write the dates of your sexual intercourse with your partner during the last month.

Thus, once they begin to see a developing embryo, you can know the exact time of fertilization and the precise gestational age (if there are intervals of several days between one event and another).

Alcohol in pregnancy – Smoking in pregnancy

If you have harmful habits that may affect the of your fetus such as smoking and alcohol, or the consumption of pills and psychiatrists, it is highly recommended to stop them as they may increase the risk of fetal abnormalities.

In addition, smoking is harmful to the body’s ability to absorb folic acid and can increase the risk of low-weight babies.

Smoking can also cause miscarriage because of the risk of placental implantation at the bottom of the uterus near the opening of the cervix.

born to mothers who used to drink alcohol during pregnancy are at risk for developing speech impairments and developing motor limitations.

Even small amounts of alcohol can cause fetal abnormalities and therefore avoid alcohol during pregnancy as a precaution.


You started one of the most magical journeys of your life on the way to becoming a mother!

Attached is a pregnancy calculator that will help you calculate the date of birth and the pregnancy week you are in.

Here is a video that illustrates the development of the fetus throughout the pregnancy, week after week