Second Week of Pregnancy 2 – Week 2 of Pregnancy Pregnancy Week 2 – Week of Pregnancy 2 – Stages of fetal development.

In this week you are not yet technically pregnant but the body begins to get ready for pregnancy.

The first and second weeks are very exciting and are a time of expectation for most women who try to become pregnant.

Many women begin to calculate the start of pregnancy and the week of pregnancy from the moment they decide to conceive and try.

Many women experience some of the symptoms of pregnancy if at all this period and it depends on the time of ovulation.

If you have ovulation you may and are already pregnant.

Usually during the first and second week of pregnancy, the preparation process for ovulation and fertilization takes place.

Your body produces high levels of estrogen and progesterone to prepare the body for ovulation, when the ovaries release an egg.

If you are lucky, this ovum will be sewn and will travel away into the fallopian tubes and then into the uterus, where it will stay for 40 weeks.

Early signs and symptoms of pregnancy:

There are several signs and symptoms that most women experience during the first few weeks of pregnancy.

You may not experience any of these symptoms or just some of them.
You will likely begin to feel many of them over the next few weeks.
The most common symptom that women experience during ovulation is cramping or stabbing in the ovarian region on one side or on both sides of the abdomen.

It is not uncommon to feel contractions of the uterus during ovulation. You can also find a clearly increased amount of transparent protein secretions in your most productive period.

Click here For further explanation on the ovulation process.

When the secretion of a transparent, viscous protein (like a protein of an uncooked egg that can be stretched between two fingers) you will know that you are at the peak of your fertility and that there is a great chance of getting pregnant these days.

Another way to test the level of fertility and find the exact ovulation date is to monitor the body’s basic temperature through

The method of “dawn heat”

In the first two weeks following menstrual bleeding, your body temperature should be lower than normal, usually around 36 degrees (measured at a fixed hour in the morning).

During ovulation the body temperature increases by 0.2-0.6 degrees due to an increase in progesterone levels and then ovulation the temperature remains high.

For the article and a detailed explanation of the dawn heat – the method of awareness of fertility.

In the picture above, you can see an illustration of the woman’s ovulation cycle and fertility.

When is the most fertile period in a month to get pregnant?

Did you know that the woman’s most fertile time actually begins two to three days before ovulation and until the day after ovulation?

If you have regular charts of your menstrual cycle and know when ovulation comes for sure, you can point to a fertility window of 2-4 days where the chances of fertilization are high.
The moment you ovulate, you are likely to become pregnant.
If you are trying to get pregnant for a period of time, it is recommended to have sex yes,
From the day the bleeding ends.

It is recommended that you continue until you get your period. So the chances of you missing ovulation are decreasing.

Early signs of pregnancy

You are probably wondering what the early signs of pregnancy are during the first few days after ovulation.

Most women begin to feel different symptoms only 10-14 days from ovulation.
However, some women have reported symptoms two or three days after fertilization.
Here are some things to note if you think you might be pregnant:

  • Delayed cycle
  •   – from morning, about anything until the end of the day.
  • Soft breast or alternatively fuller and larger
  • Frequent urination
  • Metallic taste in the mouth
  • Sleep Disorders
  • An increase in temperature that remains high even after ovulation.
  • Increased fatigue

Determination of your baby’s estimated date of birth

The question that most often comes after the discovery of pregnancy is “When am I going to have my baby?”
Guessing the estimated date of birth is one of the great pleasures of early pregnancy couples.

The network now has a selection of calculators that accurately calculate the baby’s expected date of birth.

Note that this is only an estimated date of birth since most births occur between week 36 and week 42.

Attached is a pregnancy calculator link that will help you calculate the date of birth and the pregnancy week you are in.

during pregnancy

The common concern of all pregnant women is the appearance of stretch marks.
Recent studies have shown that there are ways to prevent their appearance or reduce the severity of stretch marks.

This can be done with creams developed specifically for this purpose ( FREI OL have great ).

The special creams help prevent the stretch marks by increasing the flexibility of the skin and preventing the collagen from rupturing the skin.

When collagen in the skin is nourished, it will prevent or minimize the chance of formation of stretch marks.

It is recommended to choose a cream that contains natural ingredients without artificial colors or harmful chemicals.
Some of the substances that have proven to be effective in preventing stretch marks are: ginseng, mandarin orange peel extract and shea butter.

The change that occurs in your life begins with the pregnancy

During the first few weeks, you will experience a wide variety of changes.

Whether emotional or hormonal or physiological changes.
At this stage you are likely to have made the decision to become a and all the responsibilities associated with your parent and your life are changing.
For some parents anxiety and anxiety arise.

It is perfectly normal to feel anxious at this time in light of the great change that a new baby will make in your life.
These days you may still not find a positive in most cases.

Mood changes – beginning of pregnancy

Mood swings and cries of joy or sadness are very common during this period and also during pregnancy.

Consider that stress is a factor that can reduce the chance of conceiving successfully.

It is advisable to adopt an optimistic and positive attitude and reflect on all the joyful aspects of your life and things that do you good, it will also help you feel better.

What happens with the fetus during the second week of pregnancy

The process of ovulation During the first two weeks of pregnancy, many changes occur in your body.

Your hormone levels vary significantly to ensure creating a rich lining of the uterine tissues.
This mucosa will later support the fertilized ovum after conception.

During the first two weeks your ovaries produce mature eggs called follicles.
During ovulation, usually around the 14th day of the menstrual cycle (but there are those where ovulation occurs later)
One of the follicles will develop into the egg.

She would reach the trumpets and there she would wait for the seed to come and fertilize it.
Seed takes about 10 hours on average to reach the egg.
When the sperm of your partner and egg meet, you will create a life!

When is the baby’s sex determined?

In the first two weeks, the sex of the baby was determined, male or female.
During the first two weeks, your fertilized ovum, also known as zygote, is divided into multiple cells and begins to take root in your rich uterine lining.
At this point, your precious baby becomes a ball of cells called a blastocyst.
The blastocyst is composed of a multitude of internal cells that will eventually become embryos.
From an internal cavity that later becomes the amniotic sac that separates the body of the cell and then develops the placenta.

Stages of fetal development:

Stages of fetal development

Pregnancy and

In the first few weeks of pregnancy, it is that you adopt healthy lifestyle habits.
Proper nutrition, physical activity and minimizing stress factors in life are the essential ingredients to help promote a happy and healthy pregnancy.

If you have not started, you should take a folic acid supplement (preferably 3 months before your pregnancy).

Folic acid contributes to reducing your baby’s risk of developing nerve-related abnormalities.
It is also recommended to take a magnesium supplement that can improve your body and cells’ function during pregnancy.

If you have harmful habits that may affect the health of your fetus such as smoking and alcohol, or the consumption of pills and psychiatrists, it is highly recommended to stop them as they may increase the risk of fetal abnormalities.

Smoking in pregnancy

In addition, smoking is harmful to the body’s ability to absorb folic acid and can raise the risk of low-weight babies or cause miscarriage because of the increased risk of placenta implantation at the bottom of the uterus near the cervix.

Children born to mothers who used to drink alcohol during pregnancy are at risk for developing speech impairments and developing motor limitations.

Even small amounts of alcohol can cause fetal abnormalities and therefore avoid alcohol during pregnancy as a precaution.


Here is a video that illustrates the development of the fetus throughout the pregnancy, week after week