How do you identify ovulation? When is the best time to have sex? How to your chances of ?

The process of ovulation is a process in which an egg ripens in the ’s ovary, undergoes some process that causes it to rupture and if there is sperm nearby, there is a good chance that fertilization will occur and will occur.

So when does ovulation occurs?

For every woman it is individual.
Some women ovulate 10 days after the first day of menstrual bleeding and some women ovulate after 20 days or more.

Some women with polycystic ovaries ovulate after a long period or not ovulation at all, there are women with a regular cycle like a clock and women with whom the cycle comes at different times.

After ovulation, a stage called the luteal phase begins – the period between ovulation and menstruation.

This period lasts between 10-18 days on average, and its length usually stays constant with a deviation of a day up or down, and ovulation can change, but if there is no pregnancy and everything is normal in the body, the luteal phase remain the same.
Of 10 days can be absorbed without any problem (from personal experience), sometimes after significant births or hormonal changes, the length of the lateral phase may vary slightly.

If you do not know when your exact ovulation date is, you may want to use ovulation testing to increase the chances of your ovulation.

If you are not sure yet, it is recommended to have sex today.

And make sure to keep A day of sex and a day of not from day 10 to day 20 (if your cycle lasts for up to 30 days on average) and follow the discharge and note when they are more fertile and fluid and when they are ceramic and dry.
Usually, after ovulation they become creamy.

Ovulation symptoms

The most common symptom that women experience ovulation is cramping or stabbing in the ovarian region on one side or on both sides of the abdomen.

Sometimes during ovulation, you will have a more intrusive bowel movement and you may feel a heightened sexual desire, abdominal swelling, a sensitive chest, increased appetite, and if you learn to listen to your body, you will notice some change.

It is not uncommon to feel contractions of the uterus during ovulation and sometimes even slight bleeding of a few drops by wiping.

You can also find a clearly increased amount of translucent protein discharges during your most fertile period on top of the chemise.

When the secretion of a transparent, viscous protein (like a protein of an uncooked egg that can be stretched between two fingers) you will know that you are at the peak of your fertility and that there is a great chance of getting pregnant these days.

Another way to test the of fertility and find the exact ovulation date is to monitor the body’s basic temperature using the “dawn heat” method.

In the first two following menstrual bleeding, your body temperature should be lower than normal, usually at about 36 degrees (measured at a fixed hour in the morning) During ovulation the body temperature increases by 0.2-0.6 degrees due to an increase in progesterone levels and then after ovulation the temperature remains high For the article and a detailed explanation of the dawn heat – Fertility Awareness Method in half here.

Did you know that the woman’s most fertile time actually begins two to three days before ovulation and until the day after ovulation?

If you have regular charts of your menstrual cycle and know when ovulation comes for sure, you can point to a fertility window of 2- days the chances of fertilization are high.

As soon as you ovulate and have sex two days before the day after ovulation, you have a good chance of getting pregnant.

However, if you are trying to catch up for several months without success, you may want to use one or more methods to locate the exact ovulation date to make sure you catch the fertile days.

If a few more months have elapsed, you may want to consult your doctor for more comprehensive tests to determine why you are having trouble getting absorbed. Sometimes the administration of Icaclomin can solve the problem and strengthen ovulation.