Pregnancy Week – 4Weeks pregnant – The size of the is approximately 1 mm in length Signs of pregnancy, home testing, exposure to harmful substances in pregnancy – Tracking of pregnancy weeks

Fetal size pregnancy week 4

The size of your fetus in the fourth week of pregnancy is only a millimeter and you can say it is the size of a sesame seed.

The shape of your fetus changes slowly and begins to resemble a smaller head with eyes than an egg.

Fetal development week
Your fetus begins to burrow in the lining of the uterus to make sure it has a safe and secure home for the next nine months.

The development of the fetus, for the most part, is still in the stages of this stage.

The cavity of amniotic fluid forms the placenta that begins to form.
Depending on the development and growth of the fetus during pregnancy weeks, the placenta will help support your baby during the nine months of pregnancy.

A placenta consists of networks of blood vessels from your body that carry oxygen and nutrients to the fetus.

A body that is currently embryo consists of different layers of cells that will eventually develop into your baby’s organs and other parts of the body. Other layers will form the nervous system and brain.

often indicates the beginning of the embryonic period.
During your pregnancy in the fourth week, your baby’s organs will begin to develop.

The first few weeks of pregnancy are considered to be a critical time of fetal development.

Exposure to harmful substances in pregnancy

Any exposure to harmful substances during pregnancy from week 3-4 during the first trimester may cause damage or damage to the development of your fetus.

It is very important that you do everything possible to avoid exposure to harmful substances, pollutants or substances with unhealthy potential.

During this period that may affect the development of your fetus, such as working near chemical or biological substances.
In case of hesitation consult with your gynecologist).

It is important to remember that the most common substances that cause fetal abnormalities are common toxins such as alcohol and tobacco.

Substance abuse of any kind can also harm an unborn child.
If you have any addiction, contact your doctor as soon as possible so that he can help determine the best way for you to take care of the issue.
Also, if you take any pills to treat medical or psychiatric problems, you should consult with your gynecologist to make sure that your fetus is not harmed during pregnancy.

In the early weeks of pregnancy, the placenta is fully formed on the surface of the so-called yellow corpus luteum, which usually occurs where the egg is released from the follicle.

The yellow body is responsible for the production of progesterone in the first weeks of pregnancy. about 12 weeks or so, the placenta actually begins to produce most of the progesterone your body needs to carry the pregnancy.

Signs of pregnancy week 4

In week 4 of pregnancy, you may start to feel some changes in your body.
Many women feel very tired at the beginning of pregnancy and it is not surprising considering that your body functions exceptionally well to support the new life that is created within you.

Many women imagine the they feel at the moment of the they feel during menstruation.

little , heartburn, sensitivity to smells, a change in the sense of taste and smell, and even stomach cramps, such as severe menstrual cramps.

Many women are sure that due to the cramps and stomach aches in this period they are about to get menstruation but about a week later they are already discovering that they are pregnant.

In some women morning sickness also leads to spontaneous vomiting at this stage.

Anyone who has experienced this knows that you get up in the morning, and without any warning you suddenly get a strong desire to throw up, for no reason.

Also, the amount of hormones in the body this week has increased significantly, which means you may find yourself reacting disproportionately to things.

You may experience sudden crying, very excited and irritated easily or impatient and even over-anxious.

The good news is that you are pregnant and this is natural. The less good news is that as your pregnancy progresses, the number of hormones in your body will increase, and your sensitivity will increase.


Many women will be able to discover as early as week 4 that they are pregnant with a home test or a blood test to test the beta hormone – HCG.
In most cases, the results are received within a few hours.

However, not all women receive a positive response to pregnancy testing as early as week 4.

Sometimes this can result from late ovulation, or the body has not been able to produce the pregnancy hormone in sufficient quantity to be detected by a home pregnancy test.

It is recommended to wait at least 12-14 days from conception or ovulation prior to a home pregnancy test.

Click here for a list of pregnancy symptoms.

How long does it take to get pregnant?

This question depends on a number of factors.
There are women who start several months ahead of schedule.
It is recommended to try and take it immediately. When the pills stop, there is a high chance that the body will catch the first menstrual period.

But on average, most women get 3 to 6 months of experience.
If you have been trying to conceive for more than a year, it is advisable to consult with the obstetrician to see where the obstacles are and perhaps to conduct more comprehensive tests for both partners to give the tools to speed up the pregnancy.

Remember that one of the biggest factors that interfere with pregnant is stress.
Many women found that the moment they removed stress from getting pregnant they suddenly got absorbed.

In addition, a routine that is too worn and overloaded may also have an impact.
Try to take a weekend to enjoy and relax, it can do wonders for your body, mind and relationship.

Pregnancy and woman’s

Even now it is important to pay attention to proper nutrition and to keep healthy food.
Here is a link to a list of recommendations for proper nutrition during pregnancy.

It is recommended to go for a walk once or twice a week in the evening, it will make you feel lively, alert
And will strengthen your general feeling and stimulate blood circulation.
Also, make sure you eat a portion of protein a day and if you feel dizzy, check your blood hemoglobin level.

In many women, the level of iron in the blood decreases at the beginning of the pregnancy and it is important to reinforce it to prevent fainting and dizziness that may harm you during regular functioning.
Enter a link to a list of foods rich in iron and more information about anemia in pregnancy and after birth.

Video – 4 Weeks Pregnant: The Beginning of the Embryonic Period