This time I want to talk about home tests.

All sorts of medical situations such as this, which is a standard check  at home, can waste valuable time and sometimes cause discomfort when to the clinic.

Well, which of us did not have the need to check things on a physical level and did not use home inspection?

I’m talking about pregnancy testing, ovulation testing, protein testing, diabetes, preeclampsia, and even a test for the streptococcus that can now be purchased at pharmacies in Israel at relatively low prices.

Of course, abroad, most of these tests are much cheaper than in Israel,

And as always, we for you and added links.

So will join me on a journey?

Just a moment before you begin, a small disclaimer –
The purchase and reliability of these tests is at your own risk,
This should not be regarded as any medical recommendation,
We share our findings on the Internet and if there is any concern, we should turn to a comprehensive medical inquiry.

Pregnancy tests online – ovulation tests at a reduced price

I personally discovered ovulation tests and pregnancy tests a few years ago and I have been inviting them for years
At relatively low prices relative to their prices in Israel.
I have been using ovulation tests for 4 years to prevent pregnancy, very successfully ..

Pregnancy tests from Amazon
Ovulation tests from Amazon
Ovulation tests and pregnancy tests on eBay

At the same time, in the pregnancy of my twins and before that,
They helped me identify ovulation dates and also recognize the presence of HCG, which is the pregnancy hormone

And thanks to the simple and cheap Chinese type ovulation tests that cost me about 10 cents for testing,
I recognized pregnancy. Then, to be sure, I bought a Yes or No test at the pharmacy for 10$
And when she also showed 2 bars, I ran to the lab to get a positive beta HCG – 50 results.

CLEAR BLUE Pregnancy and Ovulation Tests that are considered to be accurate at much more attractive prices than Israel are here:

Tests of Clear Blue

Home testing for fetal sex starting from week 6!

If you, too, are impatient and really want to know what your fetus is like at the beginning of pregnancy, there is a home-based test for fetal sex with a 90% accuracy that can cause some of the mystery to disappear early.

The prices of these tests range from $ 15-40, and reviews I have read online are usually quite accurate.

I know that if I were pregnant today, I would definitely check that I am one of those who finds it difficult to postpone gratification.

Link to tests for eBay sex
Link tests for the sex of the fetus AMAZON

Homemade – testing sperm quality prior to pregnancy absorption

This test is approved by the FDA and proven to be very accurate.

Homemade sperm testing

In about 40% of cases of couples who find it difficult to get pregnant naturally, the reason lies in low sperm counts in men.

Sperm testing in the laboratory is not so pleasant procedure for the man, it is required to produce semen in a place which is not the house and indeed there is privacy, but nevertheless, it is not so pleasant.

I know quite a few friends who were involved in fertility processes and others who would prefer to give up the pleasure and do the inspection in private at home and get results immediately.

The test actually checks the quality of the sperm, if counting more than 20 million seeds, which is defined as a “proper count” in a situation that should allow for pregnancy, you will get a positive result.

If the sperm count is lower, you will need to perform more comprehensive tests and in most cases nutritional change and some physical activity can certainly help improve the condition.

The test costs about $ 35 and should arrive within 2-4 weeks to the house.

The results will get you in a few minutes.

Purchase of a sperm count test kit

Home Quick Test for HIV – AIDS Detection – Ora Quick

One of the things I was most surprised to discover online is a home-based HIV test – the virus responsible for AIDS.
It turns out that there is a painless oral test that within 20 minutes tells you if you are the carrier of the virus, which is a great thing to me.

I’ve heard countless stories from friends who went to the anonymous centers,
The hassle of taking a day off, going, returning, being pressured,
Instead, you can simply order a home kit and check in the privacy of the house
When the answer appears in front of you in about 20 minutes.
From a small online study of the reliability of these tests, it turns out that they are fairly reliable – between 95 and 100 percent, and have done quite a lot of research on them in research groups of carriers rather than carriers.
There are lots of YouTube videos on these tests and it seems to work.
It is important to note that most tests identify the virus only after 3 months of infection.

One of the leading tests in the field is called:

Home testing for HIV – Meet Ora Quick
Orasure Advanced HIV-1 and HIV-2 Home Test Kit FDA Approved
The test is performed orally, and is quite simple to use with very high accuracy and is even approved by the FDA.

In the test, you have a long toothpick that you pass through the palate, insert it into a vial with an active substance that tests the presence of the HIV virus in your body. Within 20 minutes you will know quite definitively whether you are carriers of the test or not.

The test comes with a set of the explanatory booklet and a box with all the accessories. There’s also a simpler version that you can buy at $ 20 on eBay, but it’s not sure that it’s the original one. Therefore, I would not recommend it.

You can order it on eBay at around $ 50- $ 60 shipping or around $ 20 without the whole big kit.

Here is a link to a variety of suppliers starting at $ 20 including shipping:

 Orasure OraQuick Advanced HIV-1 and HIV-2 Home Test Kit

And I found in terms of recommended tests, this test is a home blood test for the detection of HIV and HIV,
With a small device that stabs the finger.
You collect the blood droplets with an accessory attached and check the presence of the virus.
It is a bit more complicated to use because of the stabbing and costs about $ 37, around 100 NIS including shipping.


Homemade testing for drugs in the blood

  • cocaine, marijuana, ecstasy, and a host of other substances including alcohol testing:
    A home test with a urine dispenser that will detect the presence of the following substances according to the test:

CANNABIS (Grass, Weed, Skunk, Dope, Hash, Pot, Marijuana)
COCAINE (Coke, Crack, Charlie, Snow, White, Rocks, Blow)
OPIATES (Heroin, Brown, Skag, Smack, Horse, Gear, H, Junk)
ALCOHOL (Saliva / Urine / Drink Test)
AMPHETAMINES (Speed, Phet, Billy, Whizz, Sulf, Base)
BENZODIAZEPINES (Date Rape, Valiums, Benzos, Roofies)
ECSTASY (MDMA, E, X, Pills, Brownies, Mandy, XTC, Rolex’s)
KETAMINE (Date Rape, Special / Super / Vitamin K, Green)
METHADONE (Meth, Mixture, Linctus, Physeptone)
METHAMPHETAMINE (Mephedrone, Crystal Meth, Ice, Glass)
* Of course, the use of your responsibility, we did not check the tests but it is evident that they have a high percentage of orders from a reliable supplier who specializes in the field.

Link to tests

 Home Test for Glucose Diabetes – Levels

The diabetics you are probably aware of the costs of the daily glucose test equipment and sometimes several times a day. Here you will find a variety of sugar testing accessories including sticks and instruments at very good prices.

Home test for diabetes

DNA testing –

If you have any concern that your child is not yours, or that you have a fear that the child is not your spouse and you want to check the family suitability in terms of DNA, a paternity test is a rather expensive and complex story to check in Israel.

There are private labs for paternity testing that will take you thousands of shekels to check if the father is really the father, and there is a simpler and cheaper option that will allow you to receive a kit for testing, follow simple instructions, send the kit abroad and receive an answer within a few days. Which costs a few tens of shekels, but that’s how it will go pretty quickly.

The process is completely anonymous, it is not recorded and is not documented anywhere, and the results you receive with a detailed and accurate report at 99% will tell you whether there is a family relationship between the DNA samples of the two subjects. It takes a little time but is accurate and free of bureaucracy.

The total cost – the kit costs about $ 10-20, the laboratory test is another $ 100 or so, there are packages in which you pay in advance both on the kit and on the laboratory test.

You have links to several test kits if you tried one of them we would be happy to comment on the responses!

Paternity testing

If you’ve tried one of these tests, we’d be happy to share your comments with us.

Disclaimer of Liability – Again, we take no responsibility for the results of these tests, do not see any recommendation in writing, I personally work with ovulation and pregnancy tests and can recommend them from personal experience, but for the rest, at your own risk!

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