Many mothers who have a career often encounter great difficulty personal life, family life, and work life.

For this article, we have compiled a number of tips to help you save time and manage time for busy moms.

When you talk about the concept of “time management,” it sounds like something complicated and complex, but sometimes ordering fruits and vegetables online or sending laundry to the laundry can save us a lot of time in our daily activities with our , career, and life.

Make a shopping list on the refrigerator

Buy a magnet with a notebook that can be attached to the refrigerator or leave a notebook near the refrigerator.
So once a product is finished in the kitchen or in the fridge, you add it to the list and then when you do your weekly shopping, you can be calm and have not forgotten anything.

Also, try to plan in advance what you are going to cook during the week to prepare with products and not waste time and money in the supermarket when you later think about buying or buying that you do not necessarily need.

Transfer your shopping to the Internet

It is true that there is some kind of fun in going to the supermarket and seeing the products on the shelves, but I, for one, really do not deal with supermarket shopping, especially on weekends, especially when these are big shopping and I usually go home with much more than I planned to buy.

This is in addition to the fact that I am a divorced woman with 3 children, so there is no one to carry my bags.
So, when you have big shopping, you can see how you become an hour-long exit from home for a focused 15 minutes, how do you see the deals and compare the prices between the different brands and sometimes you find dozens of percent gaps?

In studies that show them how to place the products in the store in a way that will make us buy more without planning or planning.
So you’ve already saved two hours a week ( dressed, organized, leaving the house, fuel, parking, standing at the checkout, etc.).

A maid is not a dirty word

If you feel that you are not getting enough to do the housework – big and , helping is the solution for you.

Yes, today a maid takes between 15-10$ per hour, but in 4 hours your home will be quiet and you will have peace of mind to continue and take care of other things without the worry you have on your head. Someone to do it for you.

Use the laundromat

If you’re the kind of person who gets to the point where there are mountain ranges of 5-10 machines (if you have small children running away at night in the winter several times a week you know what I mean), so do not be shy about using the laundry. It may cost around 2-3$ per kilo but you will get home clean, folded and fragrant laundry and will usually pick it up and bring it back in. I did it several times when my little ones were smaller.

Cook in advance and freeze

Especially if you have more than one child, make sure to cook things like schnitzel, meatballs, yeast dough (prepare, slice and freeze, and then make pizza or pastries), and then when you have to prepare for lunch, all you have to do is put in the oven, A few minutes. You can prepare with rice, flakes or fries in about 10 minutes.

Efficiency is the name of the game.

Shop online

Also, when it comes to clothes, gadgets or consumer goods, check online deals.
For example, I invite children outside the season – in the winter I order them clothes for the next summer and in summer – invites for the next winter. When you get off-season clothes on sites such as , for example, you can find items for 3-5 dollars per item for children and then I start the next season with clothes in the closet.

Set up with parents from kindergarten

If your kids flow and enjoy going to friends in a way that does not require you to join them and if they have friends that are playing well together, contact their friends’ parents and suggest meeting them in the afternoon.
Usually, there is interaction – once the visit will be in your home and next time with them.
I’ve already had a few times that my daughters went to friends and my son went to friends and found myself with two and a half hours or three hours alone at home, time to work, to organize or rest and to reduce some pressure in a big way.

Of course, afterward there is a reciprocal visit, but I try to set all the children together and invite friends, in the evening they order pizza and close the story.

Invite a babysitter when you are stressed and full of assignments

If you have a lot of arrangements or especially if you are divorced mothers with children most of the time, you can order a babysitter for an hour or two in the afternoon or in the evening to be with the children during the hours you are a little less patient.

Especially during the summer, a babysitter can take the children for a walk in an hour or two – a pizzeria + a playground + a snack, and the kids are happy and you can enjoy some quality time.

Coordinate all arrangements

All the annoying arrangements of a bank, post office, doctors, various authorities, a garage, etc. – try to concentrate all of them for one day, so take a half-day break from work or on Friday if and take advantage of the day.

It is much more cost-effective in terms of time compared to going out each time to a single arrangement.

Make your kids help at home

If you have children approaching the age of 7-8, you can start involving them in household tasks, such as helping with folding laundry or even sorting socks for small children, emptying/filling the dishwasher, cleaning dust, sweeping the house, emptying garbage, etc.

Time to fill the batteries

After you have finished with all the tasks, try to keep Friday quality time with your partner.

Even if you have shopping and errands, try to take this time as a sacred time for you and your partner.
Go to a coffee shop for breakfast, invest a little in a .

And if Friday does not work out, do a habit of at least two weeks of a double date and invite a babysitter if necessary. It will only keep the flame burning and make you remember your partner a bit more and give both of you a feeling that you are loved and appreciated.

Do not give up on it!

In summary, try to prioritize.

Remember that life is short and passes quickly and it is important to enjoy it and give quality time to yourself, your partner and your children.