You want to fly to the US You can not do this without a visa and here we will explain to you the process necessary to get it!

What is a USA visa?

A US visa is a confirmation of arrival in the United States. The fact that you have a visa does not give you the option to enter the United States, and when you get there, you will have to go through border control, where you can get permission to enter the United States after a few questions And after checking your passport. In fact, the visa is only the possibility of reaching the American border control, but it can not be done without it!

The process of obtaining the  USA visa

First of all, it is important to know that the process of obtaining the visa is done at the US Embassy in Israel and that it is a complicated process that requires time and patience. To approve the visa or not.

Proper conduct

When completing the forms, it is important to pay attention to details and answer the questions honestly. Your credibility is checked very carefully! The same is true for the interview stage, in which it is important to answer the questions honestly and behave with courtesy and courtesy towards the interviewer. It is also important to come with the required documents, among other things, so as not to bother you and the employees of the American Embassy.

edge cases

If you need an urgent visa to the United States, you can apply for an urgent visa and submit the required documents, for example, if the application is for urgent medical treatment in the United States, you must provide the medical documents proving it. Such a request will provide you with the opportunity to pre-stage the interview and hold it within a few days of payment of the visa issuance fee.

The reasons for applying for an urgent visa are first degree relatives in a difficult medical condition, urgent medical treatment, flight for business purposes with a clear interest to the Americans, and the like.

The patience required

It is important to keep in mind that the process of applying for an urgent visa takes time and is especially stressful enough to allow for an extended period of time within a few days. , That if the receipt of the visa is important to you, you should do the things required of you to do so patiently required.

The efficient way

If you want to get a visa to the United States easily and efficiently, you can do so with the help of a company that specializes in this. What documents are needed for each type of visa application and who are the relevant contacts for each and every .